The Challenge: Track Your SpendingFor the next month, here’s your assignment: Record where every cent goes. Save receipts, credit card slips, canceled checks, and write everything else down on a pad of paper. Or you can go all-digital with a site like that tracks every credit and debit card purchase. Whatever your preference, here’s the key: Let no donut go unrecorded. You’ll be surprised at just how much those $4 Dunkin’ runs add up. Often just seeing your spending pattern will point out ways to save.
The Challenge: Save in Your SleepMost of us think too much when we save. What do we mean? Big goals like your dream car, a vacation home by the lake, and your kids’ college education are huge and uncertain. If you wait until you know the exact cost and when it’ll strike, you’ll never save anything.
So start today. Instead of thinking about how much you’ll need to reach your goal, estimate the maximum amount you could possibly save each month, says Dan Ariely, Ph.D., author of Predictably Irrational and a professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University. To figure out exactly how much you have left over, use the budget sheets at
Then set up automatic payments from your paycheck toward your goal. If you find you need more spending cash during the month, you can always adjust—but in the meantime, you’re stashing dough toward the day Junior gets into Yale.
Why It Works: Automatic payments don’t just make saving easier—they make spending less tempting. How? Money—spending it or even thinking about spending it—causes a dopamine rush in your brain. Then you’re relying on your willpower to resist handing over your VISA. That’s a battle you’ll lose, says Chip Heath, Ph.D., a professor of organizational behavior at Stanford University. “You can’t advise people to ‘spend less,’” he says. “You’re creating a willpower struggle that will have to be fought on a day-to-day, week-to-week basis.” So remove as many of those decisions as you can through automatic bill pay and savings withdrawals.
The Challenge: Transfer Your Savings to a Money-Making AccountDon’t stow extra cash in your checking account—you’re letting your money be lazy. “Having more than what’s required to avoid minimum-balance fees is a waste, because it’s not earning interest,” says Dan Candura, a certified financial planner at Massachusetts-based PennyTree Advisers. Stash a month’s worth of expenses in checking. Then put the rest of your emergency stash—experts now recommend a 6- to 9-month buffer—in a high-yield savings account. Compare rates at
While You’re At It: If you’re always in the black at the end of each month, schedule a recurring automatic transfer to a mutual fund, Candura says.
The Challenge: Bulk Up Your Emergency FundIn this volatile economy, you should save at least 6 months’ worth of expenses in case you get laid off. To start, save much as you can once you’ve paid the bills, experts say. If you must insist on a number, start by putting 10 percent of your paycheck toward the emergency fund. Once you have 6 months’ worth of income saved, tackle your debt. (You might hear debt first, savings later, but the safety net is important to have in case layoffs hit.) “Setting aside cash is as important as avoiding interest, so be aggressive about both,” says Ray Harrison, the founder and CEO of Harrison Financial Group.
The Challenge: Balance Your BudgetCall it a “spending plan” or “financial strategy” if you can’t stand the b-word. Point is, you need to know where your money’s going if you want to save more of it. Use the five categories listed below, and within them list all the expenses you pay online from your checking account. (Put rent under housing, car payment under living expenses, etc.) Add a line for cash under living expenses.
Recommended budget allocations:
Housing 35%
Living expenses 40%
Emergency/insurance 2%
Pleasure/personal 15%
Savings 8%
Single with home
Housing 45%
Living expenses 25%
Emergency/insurance 6%
Pleasure/personal 14%
Savings 10%
Married with home
Housing 37%
Living expenses 25%
Emergency/insurance 8%
Pleasure/personal 20%
Savings 10%
Household with kids
Housing 37%
Living expenses 30%
Emergency/insurance 10%
Pleasure/personal 15%
Savings 8%
While You’re At It: Stay humble. People who lack financial confidence often make the best money decisions. In one study, when people were told that budgeting was difficult, they estimated their expenses more accurately than people who were told it was simple.
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